Community • Sustainability • Conservation
Through the gate of &Beyond Phinda Private Game Reserve, Makhasa offers tranquil lodging accented by the sights and sounds of the bush, as part of the greater Munywana Game Reserve.
Makhasa guests enjoy two private game drive experiences a day (sunrise and sunset) with &Beyond Phinda’s world-class trained guides. This experience offers private traversing over more than 12 000 hectares through seven distinct habitats by vehicle.
Whether tracking, photographing or birding, guests can expect a plentiful place to be inspired and rejuvenated. Be sure to ask the game guides about the wildlife viewing sensation WildEarth that took place at &Beyond Phinda.
Phinda Game Reserve and Zuka Game Reserve, as well as other properties and farms, form part of the World renowned Munywana Game Reserve. The Makhasa Nature Reserve was recently included when fences were dropped with Phinda Game Reserve, to create a larger conservation area.

• Honouring the past
• Conserving the land
• Building the future
Makhasa Private Game Lodge offers a tourism destination that honours the local Makhasa community’s homeland and legacy.
Named after the Makhasa community of Zululand, this project is an ongoing effort to honour their dispossessed ancestors. Makhasa Private Game Lodge is proudly owned and operated by the Makhasa community, who own the Nature Reserve and a vast portion of the land within the Munywana Conservancy.
The game lodge operation follows the Makhasa people’s drive for self-determination, land ownership and a business drive to ultimately uplift their community. A number of jobs for the local community have been created since its inception and will continue to grow.


Low-impact, high-yield tourism • Economically viable conservation • Generating meaningful benefits for neighbouring rural communities
Makhasa Lodge is a long-term rural upliftment project that continues to upskill local people and educate tourists on the local wildlife and biome offerings. Ecotourism also contributes toward sustainable land use and work effort, from a combined commercial, community and conservation perspective.

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